Patton has been doing a TON of new things lately. Some of them, people may not know much about. So let me catch you up. . .

Innovation runs in our blood. Since inception in 1984, Patton has been creative about designing and marketing products that meet real customer needs.
Lately, the company has been riding the crest of the wave we call network transformation. The term includes such disrputive technology trends as the Internet of Things (IoT), ALL-IP, unified communications (UC), cloud services, virtualization, and software-defined networks (SDN)—including network function virtualization (NFV) and its cousin Virtualized Network Function (VNF).
So. . . we put this video together to convey the gist of what we’ve been up to. I trust you will find it interesting.
>>VIDEO: Patton Innovations...
For more about the Patton Cloud, you can watch this other video…
>>VIDEO: Introducing the Patton Cloud...
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- Did you learn anything you didn’t know?
- Would you like a free trial of the Patton Cloud?
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